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Antonio Ruggiero | all galleries >> Galleries >> Washday scenes > The other side of the Linus blanket
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The other side of the Linus blanket

Olympus SP-560 UZ
1/400s f/5.6 at 7.1mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Piet & Elsabé Enslin16-May-2008 17:56
Cool, nice colours and snoopy seems to love the wasj.
Ian York16-May-2008 08:35
wow some really fun colours on show today
Linda Willets16-May-2008 04:53
bold colors.. fun design
Laryl16-May-2008 00:19
gotta love snoopy.. is the the inside or the outside? no matter, it's cool
Phillip Normanton15-May-2008 22:34
monica memoli15-May-2008 21:53
Bella luce e colori! v
Guest 15-May-2008 21:14
Snoopy! I like the washes.