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anthony legg | all galleries >> Photo A Day >> September 2004 > 26th September 2004
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26th September 2004

Amedia, Iraq

The Kurdish flag dominates the classroom of a primary school in Amedia.
We are currently visiting 2 schools in Amedia, Shaid Azet and Khubal.
We are teaching some children photography, drama and painting.

Benq DC3410
1/13s f/3.0 at 8.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Antonio Pierre De Almeida28-Sep-2004 00:42
Yep a very good one too. Have you noticed the colors on the right part of the blackboard ( colors of the flag ) and the left side where the additive substractive color scheme is ? It's a very nice symbolic coincidence ... or maybe not ... Another thing that I like is that you took this picture at the same eye level as the desks. Yep you definitely have a great eye.
Take care.