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anthony legg | all galleries >> Photo A Day >> September 2004 > 15th September 2004
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15th September 2004

Dohuk, Iraq

We are currently renovating an old government building into a learning centre "ZEWA" for working children. This will enable them to catch up on schooling they have missed out on because of their need to work for their families.

1/1275s f/3.0 at 8.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Costi Jacky 17-Sep-2004 19:05
Thank you for sharing the picture. Take good care of yourself.
Gary Blanchette17-Sep-2004 12:40
Thank you for this image. It is very encouraging...
anthony legg17-Sep-2004 11:43
Thanks Lori, I am confident the Kurds will look after me.
Lori Rolfe17-Sep-2004 11:37
good luck with that so careful out the way the image is taken through the hole in the wall