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With a Leica in Covent Garden, London

Pictures from various visits to Covent Garden and adjacent areas. Some of the pictures were taken with a Leica M7 borrowed from my friend Falstaff, a Leica Lugger.
Coffee to start the day
Coffee to start the day
Covent Garden Cheese Shop
Covent Garden Cheese Shop
Monmouth St Posters
Monmouth St Posters
Brushes in Covent Garden
Brushes in Covent Garden
Neals Yard Sign
Neals Yard Sign
Alley to Neals Yard
Alley to Neals Yard
Neals Yard
Neals Yard
November Figures
November Figures
05 Slam City.jpg
05 Slam City.jpg
Shorts Gardens
Shorts Gardens
01 The Entertainer.jpg
01 The Entertainer.jpg
No, we really, really are not interested in your music
No, we really, really are not interested in your music
Businessman 2007 style
Businessman 2007 style
Friendsin Covent Garden Market
Friendsin Covent Garden Market
Leica Lugger
Leica Lugger
Three women by Covent Garden Market
Three women by Covent Garden Market
T shirts in Covent Garden
T shirts in Covent Garden
Patisserie Valerie
Patisserie Valerie