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fishing pier at night

Canon EOS Rebel T2i
2s f/4.0 at 26.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Peter Sussex26-Aug-2012 18:16
What a psychedelic pier, looks great! V
Alida Thorpe19-Aug-2012 11:21
I didn't know you were on PBase! I recognized this image immediately on the Photo Friday link because you posted this on Facebook. What a small world!
Photo.Keely17-Aug-2012 21:05
Interesting image! V.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography17-Aug-2012 15:29
Superb, Vote.
Guest 17-Aug-2012 14:01
How unusual, yet beautiful. v
Milan Vogrin17-Aug-2012 11:55
Very nice!
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