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Anna Pagnacco | all galleries >> Galleries >> Postcards From The Dolomites ( Italian Alps ) >
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patou26-Nov-2013 21:49
Superbe prise de vue ( v )
patou26-Nov-2013 21:47
Excellent ( v )
Raf26-Nov-2013 15:28
Magical with that golden crown around the summit. V
Tracy Howell26-Nov-2013 13:31
Fabulous sky & colours.
René Gysi26-Nov-2013 09:21
Magical mood and lighting. Wonderful, Anna! V
danad26-Nov-2013 08:50
What a beautiful sky ! A superb moment very well photographed. V.
PauloCGama26-Nov-2013 01:26
You've captured the magical moment, Anna.