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Gold Dust For Sale

Export & import, farming, estate developers, mining & civil engineering(gold (au) the first quantity to supply- 100kg)

Agency for mining company Agent

We are legally established company that holds collective responsibility in our business.
> Transactions at both home and abroad, and we wish to write and open up business relationship with your outfit.
Our business transactions cover a variety of fields but we shall limit ourselves here to only a few including particularly mining.
We serve the interest of (4) four licensed small -scale mining companies by imparting to them expertise in modern techniques of mining. New favorurable government investment police that seek out to boost the mining sector of our economy have invariably brought keen competition in the mining industry in Ghana. Our local small-scale mining companies are therefore in the process or embarking upon modern technology.
Of mining to expand their production base. This product naturally calls for modern mining equipment. Unfortunately these machines are either absent on our local market or the few if found, are sold at higher price.

As brokers to these companies, we deem it necessary to assist them locate foreign capital to acquire these equipment to meet up the need of their project. In this direction, we write to invite you for offer, some quantity of kilograms of (au) gold dust which they have piled-up over time to sell for foreign cash.

Here we entreat you also to assist us locate interested dealers (au) if it does not fall within your scope of transaction, We shall without delay send you offer letter if you are interested and we hope to strike a favorable deal with our local mining client for any prospective buyers, We shall also accept to be Au buying Agent to interested people on contract basis.
It is jour desire secondly to serve as local representative (agents) for the distribution and sale of any products you would like to introduce on the Ghanaian market.

You may furnish us with brochures of your products for our perusal and prompt action.

We will count much on your cordial co-operation

please reply me on my personal email.
so they will know i am the one who contacted you.

Yours sincerely.

Anthony Kofi
Gold dust and bars.jpg
Gold dust and bars.jpg