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Anitta | all galleries >> Galleries >> UAE - DUBAI, ABU DHABI > Dubai Marina
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Dubai Marina

Loved my view from Jannah Marina Bay Suites.

Dubai has been known for its deftness in creating something marvelous out of nothing, and a stunning proof of this fact is Dubai Marina that is entirely man-made.
Stretching for more than three kilometers parallel to the shorelines of Dubai, Dubai Marina represents
an artificial canal city modeled to resemble the Concord Pacific Place developed along the Vancouver, Canada's False Creek.
Going for a dhow cruise is one of the best ways to marvel at the futuristic buildings that line both sides of the marina.

Canon EOS 6D
25s f/22.0 at 24.0mm iso400 full exif

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Nirvan Hope06-Dec-2016 03:26
A futuristic fantasy land just for humans. Well captured.
Julie Oldfield06-Dec-2016 02:20
Wow! Magnificent light. V
Dan Greenberg05-Dec-2016 20:32
You are making us all envious both of your images and being there to get them and see things like this. Absolutely magnificent image! I'm glad you stopped down to get so many nice starbursts. I love how the buildings directly across seem to be shaped like boats. ~VVV~
Graeme05-Dec-2016 20:26
Absolutely stunning composition Anitta. Well done! BV!!
Long Bach Nguyen05-Dec-2016 19:58
Phil Orgeron05-Dec-2016 19:49
Mesmerizing! BV
Tom Briggs05-Dec-2016 19:43
Beautifully done ... v
globalgadabout05-Dec-2016 19:36
a stylish locale...the two buildings that resemble boats stand does remind of False Creek, yet is perhaps more daring in appearance..
Allan Jay05-Dec-2016 19:30
A dreamland composition. This is excellent
work, Anitta!
joseantonio05-Dec-2016 19:19
such an impressive city fot that amazing architecture.V