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anhminh | profile | all galleries >> Gallery: Europe >> Gallery: Rome - Roma (Italy) >> Gallery: Rome - San Pietro in Vincoli tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gallery: Rome - San Pietro in Vincoli

Still under construction
Ceiling: The Miracle of the Chains (1706) - Giovanni Battista Parodi - 9953
Ceiling: The Miracle of the Chains (1706) - Giovanni Battista Parodi - 9953
Frescos (1577) by Giacomo Coppi in the raised tribune - 9954
Frescos (1577) by Giacomo Coppi in the raised tribune - 9954
Julius II's Tomb by Michelangelo - 9955
Julius II's Tomb by Michelangelo - 9955
Moses (1515) - Michelangelo - 9957
Moses (1515) - Michelangelo - 9957
Reliquary containing the chains of St Peter - 9959
Reliquary containing the chains of St Peter - 9959
Frescos (1577) by Giacomo Coppi in the raised tribune - 9960
Frescos (1577) by Giacomo Coppi in the raised tribune - 9960
Frescos (1577) by Giacomo Coppi in the raised tribune - 9961
Frescos (1577) by Giacomo Coppi in the raised tribune - 9961
Moses (1515) - Michelangelo - 9973
Moses (1515) - Michelangelo - 9973
Ceiling: The Miracle of the Chains (1706) - Giovanni Battista Parodi - 9977
Ceiling: The Miracle of the Chains (1706) - Giovanni Battista Parodi - 9977