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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sony RX100 - My casual, superficial tests tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sony RX100 - My casual, superficial tests

These sets are test shots with the Sony RX100, mainly to see
  (1) if the built-in HDR is effective handheld, as marketed,
  (2) to see how well it does in VERY low light using very high ISO, and
  (3) to see if I can avoid blown-out areas in jpgs on high-contrast days when using a pocketable camera.  These are learning exercises.

  LOW-LIGHT shots: Many of the indoor pictures in the Botanical Garden set of Aug 9, 2012 are taken at iso3200, 2500, 2000, and 1600 and produce little noise although I set my 'NR' or "Noise Reduction" setting to LOW, the lowest of 3 possible settings.

  A compromise for this pocket sized camera with large sensor is a zoom lens that's only 3.6x but which uses a new Sony setting that is a step better than the basic 'digital zoom' -- the "Clear Image" provides another (but artificial) 3.6X zoom setting that uses pixel interpolation rather than cropping and zooming.  Not ideal but better, often quite decent, than the crop/zoom type.  Will try to get examples of that later.

  A good, thorough review at Imaging Resources

To see the larger images during a session, click on 'original' option below any image.

Click on any thumbnail to get the larger version.  Then click on "Next" or "Previous" to see other ones.

*** ( For FULL SCREEN: PC's, press/toggle F11.  Mac's, maximize screen. ) ***

Sony RX 100 test shots:  BEFORE & AFTER HDR settings, 1st Day
gallery: Sony RX 100 test shots: BEFORE & AFTER HDR settings, 1st Day
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Sony RX100 test shots - Botanical Gardens, UC Berkeley, Aug.  9, 2012
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Sony RX100 pictures in low light, indoors, long-distance  (balcony)
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Sony RX100 - UC Botanical Gardens, 45 min., early evening. Aug.  22, 2012
gallery: Sony RX100 - UC Botanical Gardens, 45 min., early evening. Aug. 22, 2012
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gallery: Sony RX100 photos from Amazon Event Sept 6 2012 (press conference)
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gallery: Sony RX100 miscellaneous and random