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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Ritmuller GH-160R baby grand piano - 5' 3" (cellphone pics) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Ritmuller GH-160R baby grand piano - 5' 3" (cellphone pics)

This gallery is mainly for piano-forum display of cell phone photos of my new baby grand, bought from R.Kassman Pianos in Berkeley, California.

I later put up a 'video' of the still pics combined with some audio of the piano (rambling arpeggios) done with the lid down because I haven't figured out how to record the piano in that room without distortions. This 'quiet' audio, with lid down, is Youtube.

I was there a week later with a friend from out of town who made an appointment to try out some of the store's more luxury European-designed pianos much discussed at Pianoworld Forums.  Here's a Youtube playlist of the cellphone videos that give an idea of their relative sound qualities.

Clicking on a picture below takes you to the set of thumbnails (which is confusing).

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You can change the size of the pictures you're seeing by clicking under one of the pictures once:

  'Large' is the PBase default size, and 'original' is the slightly larger and clearer web-size I uploaded and started you with.

*** ( For FULL images: PC's, press/toggle F11.  Mac's, maximize screen. ) ***

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