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Richard | profile | all galleries >> Scientific (macro, high speed,.etc) >> GALLERY: RADIATION tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Items incorporating radioactive isotopes such as Americium, Thorium, Uranium
radiation sources.jpg
radiation sources.jpg
Old weather instrument dial with radium painted numbers.jpg
Old weather instrument dial with radium painted numbers.jpg
Spinthariscope in use,  decay of zinc sulfide atoms by bombardment with alpha radiation
Spinthariscope in use, decay of zinc sulfide atoms by bombardment with alpha radiation
uranium glass marbles fluoresce under long wave UV light
uranium glass marbles fluoresce under long wave UV light
Isotope Nickel 63 strips under a zinc sulfide screen
Isotope Nickel 63 strips under a zinc sulfide screen
Compact fluorescent light UV lens UV pass filter.jpg
Compact fluorescent light UV lens UV pass filter.jpg
Gamma ray impact on camera cmos sensor.jpg
Gamma ray impact on camera cmos sensor.jpg
Canon FL 58mm f1.2 lens radioactive via thorium 232
Canon FL 58mm f1.2 lens radioactive via thorium 232
 Yashica DS 50mm f/1.4 lens - radioactive
Yashica DS 50mm f/1.4 lens - radioactive
11 inch wide Thorium-based radioactive lens element from Aero-Ektar  t
11 inch wide Thorium-based radioactive lens element from Aero-Ektar t
8 inch lens element Kodak Aero Ektar 48 inch f.l
8 inch lens element Kodak Aero Ektar 48 inch f.l
Large 11 inch thorium glass lens element
Large 11 inch thorium glass lens element