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Antti Holma | profile | all galleries >> Trips to Estonia with "Kameralehti" >> may_2006 >> friday tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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first stop was the Poruni primeval forrest
first stop was the Poruni primeval forrest
the forrest hasn't been touched since 18th century
the forrest hasn't been touched since 18th century
except during 2nd world war
except during 2nd world war
some fungus on the trees
some fungus on the trees
and also lichen
and also lichen
a house on the russian side of the narva river
a house on the russian side of the narva river
there was also the watch-tower
there was also the watch-tower
the narva river goes from the Peipsi lake through Narva town to the Gulf of Finland
the narva river goes from the Peipsi lake through Narva town to the Gulf of Finland
next brake was at Vasknarva village with it's flowers
next brake was at Vasknarva village with it's flowers
and ruins of an old castle
and ruins of an old castle
some buildings in Vasknarva
some buildings in Vasknarva
with their doors
with their doors
the harbour of Vasknarva
the harbour of Vasknarva
a canoing group was passing by
a canoing group was passing by
In Permis village there was a stork with it's nestling
In Permis village there was a stork with it's nestling
There was also a closter
There was also a closter
with a nice church
with a nice church
on we went to the Kuremäe nunnery
on we went to the Kuremäe nunnery
a very nice area with beautiful churches
a very nice area with beautiful churches
with nice paintings
with nice paintings
and icons
and icons
some views from there
some views from there
more icons
more icons
and buildings
and buildings
a chapel there
a chapel there
and another church
and another church
they even build towers of firewood
they even build towers of firewood
there were 11 there if I remember correct
there were 11 there if I remember correct
a sight nearer of them
a sight nearer of them
a sacrificial tree
a sacrificial tree
And then back to the Peipsi lake
And then back to the Peipsi lake
with some tracks on the beach
with some tracks on the beach
some ladybugs
some ladybugs
and nice views
and nice views
and more....
and more....
the pines
the pines
and sunset
and sunset
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