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Maria W | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sing it, Picture it > Love of the common people
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05-MAY-2008 amve

Love of the common people

Paul Young 1983*

"Living on a dream ain't easy,
But the closer the knit,
The tighter the fit
And the chills stay away
Just take 'em in stride for family pride
You know that faith is your foundation
With a whole lotta love and a warm conversation,
But don't forget to pray
Just making it strong where you belong"

*=There are other versions, but this is the one i prefer

Nikon D40
1/320s f/9.0 at 55.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Mattias Backström06-May-2008 18:31
Plattan is the shit! :)
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