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31-OCT-2007 amve

Blue Monday

New Order 1983

"How does it feel to treat me like you do
When you've laid your hands upon me
And told me who you are
I thought I was mistaken
I thought I heard your words
Tell me, how do I feel
Tell me now, how do I feel

Those who came before me
Lived through their vocations
From the past until completion
They'll turn away no more
And I still find it so hard
To say what I need to say
But I'm quite sure that you'll tell me
Just how I should feel today"

Minolta DiMAGE Xt
1/4s f/2.8 at 6.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
an nguyen31-Oct-2007 00:42
Great blue mood. V
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