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Maria W | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sing it, Picture it > Soda and a souvenir
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24-JUN-2007 amve

Soda and a souvenir

Bette Midler 1983

Don't start talking the poetry, darlin'.
That's not what I wanna hear tonight.
I'm just a girl with moonlight in my eyes.
I want a soda and a souvenir.
Yes, I'm just a girl with moonlight in my eyes.

Minolta DiMAGE Xt
1/45s f/2.8 at 5.7mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ali Majdfar28-Jun-2007 06:31
Fabulous selective color work. GMV
Carinoza26-Jun-2007 07:21
Yummm! I'll take a cola slushie , please ... :-9
Thanx for participating in the "Song Title"
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