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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > September 13
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September 13

Fog & Smoke at Sunrise

Nikon D500 ,Tokina 12-24mm f/4 AT-X AF Pro DX
1/200s f/11.0 at 24.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Wintermeer18-Oct-2020 08:45
Incredible view, how ironic that tragedy can bear such beauty! ~V~
MarcViskens27-Sep-2020 18:52
very pretty shot Walter
FrankB14-Sep-2020 12:45
Nothing stops that guy and his bass boat! The foreboding atmosphere is perfectly rendered in this shot. V
KAI-WING LEUNG14-Sep-2020 06:23
Excellent sunrise image in a misty morning! V
Graeme13-Sep-2020 23:09
Quite a bleak looking morning, Walter.V
Doug Cruden13-Sep-2020 20:47
Blimey, that's a tragic scene :o( It is quite reminiscent of the Impressionist to be fair
Raymond13-Sep-2020 19:47
It makes for a beautiful mood picture ... but be safe and stay home, that smoke is bad for you my friend!
Apostolos Tikopoulos13-Sep-2020 18:03
Love this beautiful composition with that misty ambience. V.
Don Mottershead13-Sep-2020 18:00
2,400 kilometers to the north and we now have similar visibility because of the US fires. However I suspect that the air is much more difficult to breath in San Diego. The west coast faces a grim future because of climate change.
Blandine Mangin13-Sep-2020 17:29
magnifique ! cela me fait penser à l'ambiance des tableaux de Turner ! v
Nestor Derkach13-Sep-2020 17:25
Nice soft silhouette forms in the enchanting atmosphere nice point of view good resolution and the sun working hard to clear the air.
danad13-Sep-2020 16:54
The quality of a fine painting ! V.
globalgadabout13-Sep-2020 16:46
the figure in the boat seems small and a bit lost in such dense sure have it bad down there at the moment, as so well delineated here..
Patricia Kay13-Sep-2020 16:27
Love your moody misty images Walter...BV
Julie Oldfield13-Sep-2020 16:24
Nice mood created by your lighting. V
John Reynolds LRPS13-Sep-2020 16:13
A well composed scene enhanced by the atmospheric conditions. V.
Tom LeRoy13-Sep-2020 16:07
An eerie sunrise view that is spectacular but foreboding at the same time. The atmosphere is amazing. V
Neil Marcus13-Sep-2020 15:56
You have utilized weather conditions in a 19th century painterly way. The position of the boat was providential. Big Vote
joseantonio13-Sep-2020 15:40
looks more winter than summer in this mood.V
janescottcumming13-Sep-2020 15:26
It's amazing you could find your way there! Makes for a very pretty scene though. V
Marcia Rules13-Sep-2020 15:22
As a fine painting.......VVV
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