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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > January 18
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January 18

Sunrise in our Backyard

Looking a bit ominous, and rightly so. Two severe storms are on their way from the Pacific Ocean.
The forecast is for much rain, storm surge, high winds and waves up to 18 feet. I think we're over the drought now.

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6g IF-ED AF-S DX VR
1/160s f/5.6 at 18.0mm iso200 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Frank Brault21-Jan-2017 02:55
So lovely. Exquisite light and color and I like the 'flow' of the tree and the clouds. V
Patricia Kay20-Jan-2017 15:32
Fabulous capture with an amazing sky Walter...hopefully it won't be as bad as predicted...stay safe...BV
Zoltán Balogh20-Jan-2017 10:43
Fabulous photograph. V
Julie Oldfield19-Jan-2017 21:57
Awesome composition! V
Nora van Beek19-Jan-2017 14:28
A beautiful stormy sky and I like how the cloud formation mimics the tree. Be safe! V
Yvonne19-Jan-2017 08:06
Stay safe Walter... fantastic colours.. v
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal19-Jan-2017 07:41
This is fantastic Walter, beautiful and powerful image. V
fotabug19-Jan-2017 05:58
That's a beautiful cloud. I like the colors. But sorry about the storms. You need rain, but not all at once!
joseantonio19-Jan-2017 04:53
that sky is really lovely.V.
Jean D19-Jan-2017 04:25
Lovely capture with a fine splash of colors. ~V
Jim Coffman19-Jan-2017 04:08
Such a pretty, peaceful scene...
Frank Tran19-Jan-2017 03:53
Very beautiful image. V
Dennis Hoyne19-Jan-2017 03:31
A gorgeous sky image! I hope the weather doesn't go too far in the other direction. V.
globalgadabout19-Jan-2017 03:13
those high clouds look almost upbeat...good to learn your drought is ending though..
Gill Kopy19-Jan-2017 01:24
A beautiful warning !! You'd better batten down the hatches Walter. V
Wintermeer19-Jan-2017 01:13
Such a great capture- in nature even a potential catastrophe has a certain beauty to it- very well done! ~V~
Allan Jay19-Jan-2017 01:11
Gorgeous stormy scape!
Neil Marcus19-Jan-2017 01:10
The thrust of the tree parallel to that cloud depicts potential drama.
Marcia Rules19-Jan-2017 01:00
wow, bring on the storms! Powerful, beautiful art ~ BV
William Barletta19-Jan-2017 00:28
A nice mirroring of form and clouds ~V~
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