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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > March 9
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March 9

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Kevin D Warren25-Apr-2022 01:37
Really beautiful, Walter. I just bought a Nikkor-Q 135mm f2.8 AI that should arrive this week. I was looking for sample images and came upon this.
Frank Brault15-Mar-2016 20:43
Lovely. I love your exposure. V
Ton T.15-Mar-2016 18:55
The dark background is perfect here!! V+
Carol How15-Mar-2016 09:49
Superb image Walter…such perfect soft tones…V
Julie Oldfield12-Mar-2016 17:27
The light is marvelous!! V
Buz Kiefer11-Mar-2016 19:09
Perfectly arranged and beautiful light. Excellent work, Walter. Vote.
Patricia Kay11-Mar-2016 13:04
So very moody and beautiful Walter...BV
Arthur Lebacq11-Mar-2016 09:10
Like the subtle light too....a wonderful shot.....well composed....V
Pieter Bos10-Mar-2016 18:55
Excellent image, Walter! ~V
Nick Paoni10-Mar-2016 15:02
I love how these beautiful lilies extend out of the black background. V
janescottcumming10-Mar-2016 13:26
Just enough light, very pretty! V
LynnH10-Mar-2016 12:25
Love the subtle lighting. V
marie-jose wolff10-Mar-2016 11:15
a refined and elegant composition! V
Yvonne10-Mar-2016 09:56
Fabulous! v
danad10-Mar-2016 09:03
A superb work with the pale light. V.
laine10-Mar-2016 08:54
Significant Arum Lilies, Walter. Beautiful capture. V
fotabug10-Mar-2016 05:50
What a gorgeous photo! The dark background, contrasts and colors are so pleasing! V
Bryan Murahashi10-Mar-2016 05:01
Beautiful Lilies and portrait. V
joseantonio10-Mar-2016 04:54
Brilliant work with the difficult light..V
Neil Marcus10-Mar-2016 03:24
Brilliant whites and well lit leaves. The vignetting is done to great advantage. "vVv"
Dan Greenberg10-Mar-2016 03:17
Phenomenal lighting! Such a captivating floral group portrait. ~BV~
Allan Jay10-Mar-2016 02:57
Magnificent presentation, Walter! The soft white pedals really have
a graceful appearance.
Jim Coffman10-Mar-2016 02:48
This is truly lovely, Walter!!!
sue anne10-Mar-2016 02:45
Beautifully displayed. v
Carl Carbone10-Mar-2016 02:39
Beautiful, Walter. Hope you're doing as well as possible.
Guest 10-Mar-2016 02:15
Lovely. Best. J
peterjay4510-Mar-2016 02:13
This is outstanding! So elegant and beautifully lit.
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