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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > December 2
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December 2

North Park Water Tower

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
1/200s f/8.0 at 24.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Pieter Bos07-Dec-2014 00:02
Great POV! Very dramatic image! V.
Guest 05-Dec-2014 05:17
I love the treatment in this photo and the perspective. Very cool.
Don Mottershead04-Dec-2014 22:51
Very effective image. ~V~
Frank Brault04-Dec-2014 20:00
A terrific image Walter. I love the perspective and the combination of tones. A powerful and beautiful image. V
Julie Oldfield04-Dec-2014 01:03
Very dramatic! Towering POV. V
Ton T.03-Dec-2014 15:27
Most impressive image! V
Tom LeRoy03-Dec-2014 12:37
A dramatic view and superb tones that fit the rain filled sky. All the rain should bring those water levels up.. V
Alexander Kazakov03-Dec-2014 11:37
Superb! Like POV and dramatic sky! V
Kim03-Dec-2014 10:57
Great dark moody composition! V
Pepe Lugash03-Dec-2014 10:00
beautiful color. BV
Martin Lamoon03-Dec-2014 08:31
Impressive photograph.
Gerard Koehl03-Dec-2014 07:41
Excellent avec cette perspective et cette ambiance. V
John Reynolds LRPS03-Dec-2014 06:11
Well composed and excellent range of tones. V.
carol j. phipps03-Dec-2014 05:45
Wow! The POV gives a sense of power!
Bryan Murahashi03-Dec-2014 05:27
Very nicely composed. Like the dark threatening clouds. V
joseantonio03-Dec-2014 05:03
Very nice POV with the sky as contrast.V.
Neil Marcus03-Dec-2014 04:35
Excellent view and dramatic with this threatening sky.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)03-Dec-2014 04:30
Superb PoV with the subtle tones. V!
sue anne03-Dec-2014 04:02
Love the POV. V
Richard Marcus03-Dec-2014 03:42
Excellent perspective and your treatment lends a great dramatic feel to this impressive tower. V
Jean D03-Dec-2014 03:40
Superb and most captivating, Walter. ~V
Marcia Colelli03-Dec-2014 03:17
Wonderful perspective and wonderful atmosphere V
fotabug03-Dec-2014 02:36
I like your POV
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