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Al (Alfred) Toth | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Yoga Studio Cusco Peru tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Yoga Studio Cusco Peru

My newely opend yoga studio, "FreeSpirit Peru Yoga Studio", is, to the best of my knowledge, the only space in Cusco dedicated 100% to the practice of yoga! Fully equipped with new mats, blocks, straps and blankets. The room is clean and receives natural light, and the floor is a wood parquet that measures 14´x17´(240sq.ft.),which can be actually be expanded by another 70sq.ft.if needed.Thats over 300sq.ft. of yoga bliss!! The space is available for use by visiting yoga teachers. Please write me for more info. Email at
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Saludo al Inti
:: Saludo al Inti ::
Acro Yoga in Cusco Peru
:: Acro Yoga in Cusco Peru ::