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aliusvetus | all galleries >> Galleries >> anonymous_encounters > Nescio Vos
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Nescio Vos

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Guest 23-Nov-2007 21:34
Love this shot... excellent composition. voted!
Guest 17-Oct-2007 16:32
Superb dramatic image. I love the tones in this too.
Peterfree01-Jun-2006 21:54
I love this one and it made me think of one of mine photos:
I've voted for your gallery.
Galina Stepanova24-Oct-2005 18:16
Drama in everything: composition, vertical lines, which most are dark in contrast with white, and, of course, in woman’s' pose and expression who looks with fear to the future. I found symbolic in this picture. Are not many people looking to the future this way?
Phil Douglis25-Jul-2005 03:36
Your work is at is strongest when it is straightforward, Raul. Like this image. It is abstract, incongruous, and speaks of human values -- the three most important principles in expressive photography. I get the feeling that this image is a slice of life, credible, real, and honest -- whereas some of your other images, involving electronic manipulation, speak more of a fantasy world to me. I don't have a problem with either approach -- I just prefer photographs that speak of life the way it is, as opposed to life created in a computer.
Guest 20-Jun-2005 19:18
Boa e muito ao seu género.