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In Box | Mammals | Birds | Reptiles | Insects | Ringing Eurasian Cranes


Wood Pigeons
:: Wood Pigeons ::
Water Rail
:: Water Rail ::
Indian Pond Heron
:: Indian Pond Heron ::
Himalayan Bulbul
:: Himalayan Bulbul ::
Jungle Babblers
:: Jungle Babblers ::
Streak-throated Woodpecker
:: Streak-throated Woodpecker ::
Painted Stork
:: Painted Stork ::
Starlings and Mynas of India
:: Starlings and Mynas of India ::
White-breasted Kingfisher
:: White-breasted Kingfisher ::
Grey-headed Woodpecker
:: Grey-headed Woodpecker ::
Indian Vulture
:: Indian Vulture ::
Treepies of India
:: Treepies of India ::
Black Francolin
:: Black Francolin ::
Black-headed Jay
:: Black-headed Jay ::
Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler
:: Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler ::
Laughing Thrushes of India
:: Laughing Thrushes of India ::
Kalij Pheasant
:: Kalij Pheasant ::
Great Egret
:: Great Egret ::
Eurasian Oystercatcher
:: Eurasian Oystercatcher  ::
Eurasian Jay
:: Eurasian Jay ::
White-fronted Dipper
:: White-fronted Dipper ::
Brown Dipper
:: Brown Dipper ::
African Swamphen
:: African Swamphen ::
Red Crossbills
:: Red Crossbills ::
:: Bullfinches ::
African Crimson-winged Finch
:: African Crimson-winged Finch ::
Trumpeter Finch
:: Trumpeter Finch ::
Green Wood-Hoopoe
:: Green Wood-Hoopoe ::
Black Guillemot
:: Black Guillemot ::
Common Guillemots
:: Common Guillemots ::
:: Razorbills ::
Little Auks
:: Little Auks ::
Atlantic Gannet
:: Atlantic Gannet ::
Arctic Tern
:: Arctic Tern ::
Blue Fulmar
:: Blue Fulmar ::
Glaucous Gull
:: Glaucous Gull ::
Black-legged Kittiwake
:: Black-legged Kittiwake ::
Arctic Skua
:: Arctic Skua ::
Rock Ptarmigan
:: Rock Ptarmigan ::
Western Jackdaw
:: Western Jackdaw ::
Northern Ravens
:: Northern Ravens ::
Brown Pelican
:: Brown Pelican ::
California Scrub Jay
:: California Scrub Jay ::
Steller's Jay
:: Steller's Jay ::
Yellow-billed Oxpecker
:: Yellow-billed Oxpecker ::
Yellow-billed Stork
:: Yellow-billed Stork ::
Reed, Cetti's and Grasshopper Warblers
:: Reed, Cetti's and Grasshopper Warblers ::
Scrub Warblers
:: Scrub Warblers ::
Leaf Warblers (Phylloscopus spp)
:: Leaf Warblers (Phylloscopus spp) ::
Sandwich Tern
:: Sandwich Tern ::
Greenland White-fronted Geese
:: Greenland White-fronted Geese ::
Barnacle Geese
:: Barnacle Geese ::
Brent Geese
:: Brent Geese ::
Pink-footed Geese
:: Pink-footed Geese ::
Ruddy Shelduck
:: Ruddy Shelduck ::
Levallaint's Woodpecker
:: Levallaint's Woodpecker ::
Great-spotted Woodpecker
:: Great-spotted Woodpecker ::
Black-rumped Flameback
:: Black-rumped Flameback ::
Knysna Touraco
:: Knysna Touraco ::
Great Spotted Cuckoo
:: Great Spotted Cuckoo ::
Senegal Coucal
:: Senegal Coucal ::
Long-tailed Duck
:: Long-tailed Duck ::
White-throated Bee Eater
:: White-throated Bee Eater ::
Little Bee Eater
:: Little Bee Eater ::
European Bee Eater
:: European Bee Eater ::
White-tailed Eagle
:: White-tailed Eagle ::
Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush
:: Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush ::
African Fish Eagle
:: African Fish Eagle ::
Steller's Eagle
:: Steller's Eagle ::
Steppe Eagle
:: Steppe Eagle ::
:: Osprey ::
Red Kite
:: Red Kite ::
Blue Crane
:: Blue Crane ::
White-naped Crane
:: White-naped Crane ::
Hooded Crane
:: Hooded Crane ::
Red-crowned Crane
:: Red-crowned Crane ::
Eurasian Cranes
:: Eurasian Cranes ::
Cory's Shearwater
:: Cory's Shearwater ::
White-chinned Petrel
:: White-chinned Petrel ::
Great Shearwater
:: Great Shearwater ::
Giant Petrels
:: Giant Petrels ::
Black-browed Albatross
:: Black-browed Albatross ::
Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross
:: Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross ::
Shy Albatross
:: Shy Albatross ::
Royal Albatross
:: Royal Albatross ::
Goliath Heron
:: Goliath Heron ::
Purple Heron
:: Purple Heron ::
Green Heron
:: Green Heron ::
Green-backed Heron
:: Green-backed Heron ::
Eurasian Spoonbill
:: Eurasian Spoonbill ::
African Penguin
:: African Penguin ::
European Griffon Vulture
:: European Griffon Vulture ::
Egyptian Vulture
:: Egyptian Vulture ::
:: Lammergeier ::
White-headed Vulture
:: White-headed Vulture ::
White-backed Vulture
:: White-backed Vulture ::
Cape Griffon Vulture
:: Cape Griffon Vulture ::
Hooded Vulture
:: Hooded Vulture ::
Little Owl
:: Little Owl ::
Jungle Owlet
:: Jungle Owlet ::
Hawk Owl
:: Hawk Owl ::
Great Grey Owl
:: Great Grey Owl ::
Tawny Owls
:: Tawny Owls ::
Short-eared Owls
:: Short-eared Owls ::
:: Wryneck ::
Upland Sandpiper
:: Upland Sandpiper ::
:: Greenshanks ::
Black-tailed Godwit
:: Black-tailed Godwit ::
Marbled Godwit
:: Marbled Godwit ::
Bar-tailed Godwits
:: Bar-tailed Godwits ::
Hudsonian Godwit
:: Hudsonian Godwit ::
Purple Sandpiper
:: Purple Sandpiper ::
African Black Oystercatcher
:: African Black Oystercatcher ::
Spur-winged Plover
:: Spur-winged Plover ::
Stone Curlew
:: Stone Curlew ::
Temminck's Courser
:: Temminck's Courser ::
Cream-coloured Courser
:: Cream-coloured Courser ::
Great Bustards
:: Great Bustards ::
Houbara Bustard
:: Houbara Bustard ::
Kori Bustard
:: Kori Bustard ::
Red-crested Koorhan
:: Red-crested Koorhan ::
Red Grouse
:: Red Grouse ::
Lesser Black-backed Gull
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull ::
Great Black-backed Gulls
:: Great Black-backed Gulls ::
Black-headed Gull
:: Black-headed Gull ::
Mediterranean Gull
:: Mediterranean Gull ::
Franklin's Gull
:: Franklin's Gull ::
Great Skuas
:: Great Skuas ::