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Alex Winser | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Dorset 2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Dorset 2011

Lyme Regis
Lyme Regis
Lyme Regis
Lyme Regis
Rope & Rust
Rope & Rust
Paint Texture
Paint Texture
Beached Boats
Beached Boats
Beached Boats
Beached Boats
Beached Boats
Beached Boats
Boat Contrast
Boat Contrast
Texture & Rust
Texture & Rust
Texture & Rust
Texture & Rust
Colmers Hill
Colmers Hill
Gone Fishing
Gone Fishing
West Bay Seascape
West Bay Seascape
West Bay Seascape
West Bay Seascape
Pulpit Rock
Pulpit Rock
Portland Bill
Portland Bill
Portland Bill
Portland Bill
Portland Bill Lighthouse
Portland Bill Lighthouse
Portland Bill
Portland Bill
Portland Bill Lighthouse
Portland Bill Lighthouse
Portland Bill Lighthouse
Portland Bill Lighthouse
Lyme Regis
Lyme Regis
Lyme Regis
Lyme Regis
Lyme Regis
Lyme Regis
The Cobb
The Cobb
Minimalist Seascape
Minimalist Seascape
West Bay Seascape
West Bay Seascape
West Bay Seascape
West Bay Seascape
Boats & Rope
Boats & Rope
Burton Bradstock
Burton Bradstock