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Alex Uchôa | all galleries >> Rio de Janeiro >> Rio de Janeiro Noturna > Pao de Acucar, Rio de Janeiro 9555
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Pao de Acucar, Rio de Janeiro 9555

Canon EOS 5D
15s f/8.0 at 51.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Craig Godbold21-Sep-2008 14:23
Amazing shot and a great gallery! Well done V
Rick Bricker12-Sep-2008 22:56
Beautiful night shot!
Kiriakos Korakis01-Sep-2008 05:49
Amazing night view of the city ! V !
veraferia24-Aug-2008 16:47
Linda vista com a silhueta do Pão de Açúcar!V