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alexeig | all galleries >> Galleries >> One day in Brussels > The star and moon
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06-DEC-2003 alexeig

The star and moon

This is actually a stitch of two images, G5 wide angle would not permit to fit the whole building on one frame

Canon PowerShot G5
1s f/5.6 at 7.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Mattias Backström02-Dec-2004 12:21
Well, the result is stunning. Did you mean that you used the wide angle lens for the G5, or just the wide angle mode? I'm thinking of getting the lens, but don't know if it's worth it.
Yiannis Pavlis28-Sep-2004 13:00
great shot.nice colors.
EMangl14-Sep-2004 12:14
you should visit Vienna with your camera
gina_dl04-Jul-2004 23:18
lovely capture of our capital