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Crawford Market, Bombay

Taxi by Crawford Market Taxi driver (who charged me double) Man selling meat Inside the meat area of Crawford Market
Crow and bones Men preparing to shoot up Meat Man injecting into his groin
Smoke Man preparing a needle for his friend Man injecting drugs into his friend's hand Mincer and rat's tail
Needle, hand Shooting up heroin, Mumbai Having shot up Man with needle in hand
Man, Crawford Market Man, Crawford Market Newborn kittens Meat for sale
Mr Mahmod Mr Mahmod's driving license Mr Mahmod's friend Bones, meat and flies
Bones, meat and flies Mr Mahmod holding up an animal's spine Boy displaying meat Child drinking sugar cane juice
Cook, near Crawford Market Cook, near Crawford Market Child posing near Crawford Market Blacksmith
Blacksmith Crows and offal Man reading, Crawford Market Lady, Crawford Market
Family, Crawford Market Boy, Crawford Market, Mumbai Man, Crawford Market Family, Crawford Market, Mumbai
Cafe owner Ear cleaner Man posing Labourers
Hooves Mincing meat Butchers Butcher, surrounded by bones
Alleged pickpocket, cheater Posing man Posing man Bones
Man Near Crawford Market Chasing the dragon, Crawford Market Chasing the dragon, Crawford Market
The fun you can have with a goat's head... Meat drying Parts and pieces Goat's head
Preparing foil Foil with heroin (I assume) Chasing the dragon, Mumbai Chasing the dragon (2)
Chasing the dragon (3) Foil and tar Chasing the dragon A drug user explains his friend's blindness (which is why he was holding the foil and match for him)