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Alex Vargas | all galleries >> Birds from around the World >> My Birds, Thailand >> Kingfishers, Grebes and Ducks. >> Brown-winged Kingfisher -- sp 208 > Brown-winged Kingfisher - 2009 - 2
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28-MAR-2009 Alex Vargas

Brown-winged Kingfisher - 2009 - 2

Krabi, far South Thailand

With a Kenko 1.4X Teleconverter on.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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sdemontigny15-May-2011 19:46
Stunning capture , greatly detailed and the colors are great
Ali Majdfar07-Nov-2010 19:44
Stunning! ~V
Guest 04-Nov-2010 02:14
Beautiful capture, Alex. The color and detail are superb. V
Gerard Koehl02-Nov-2010 21:39
Cette capture est magnifique. V
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