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Alex Lau | all galleries >> Galleries >> Alex Lau portfolio > Dawn at Bronte beach
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Dawn at Bronte beach

Dawn at Bronte Beach, Sydny, Australia

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Azlin Ahmad10-Apr-2007 10:41
Amazing colours on this one! V
Guy Dube25-Aug-2006 10:38
Impressive picture, we can say surealist! A beautiful sky, amd I like the shadows on the water, very nice.
Best regards
Besati25-May-2006 06:55
Mystical colors!! A big reward to your hardship, Alex.
caveman_lee27-Apr-2006 16:40
A magical shot. Voted.
Yiannis Pavlis24-Apr-2006 02:03
great work sureal colors.
ac26-Mar-2006 18:16
Wow Alex, splendid colors.
Apple 26-Mar-2006 14:28
Guest 16-Mar-2006 18:29
Magical!!! Astounding shot!
Guest 14-Mar-2006 14:45
©_¤Û®ü...... ¡G)
ckchan123 14-Mar-2006 13:09
Chris Fung 14-Mar-2006 09:24
So great!!!!!
Guest 14-Mar-2006 07:51
Alex is making a comeback .....Good work, man....whatever Alex has done to the image!