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Bert Ooms | all galleries >> South Africa and Namibia >> Birds of South Africa and Namibia >> South Africa Sunbirds > Malachite Sunbird - Nectarinia famosa in eclipse plumage PSLR-0240.jpg
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28-Jan-2014 Bert Ooms

Malachite Sunbird - Nectarinia famosa in eclipse plumage PSLR-0240.jpg

Kirstenbosch botanical garden, South Africa

Nikon D300S
1/500s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lieve Snellings12-Mar-2014 19:49
mooi mooi mooi ... V
Peterfree01-Mar-2014 17:07
Excellente fotografie! V
Toon de Smit21-Feb-2014 07:43
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal21-Feb-2014 07:28
In één woord prachtig Bert!! BV
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