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Alastair ROSS | profile | all galleries >> Family >> Dominic's Wedding tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Dominic's Wedding

Marriage of Dominic ROSS to Lorna STIBBARDS on 9th April 2005, their son Joey's first birthday.
01 William and Joey ASCN0307.jpg
01 William and Joey ASCN0307.jpg
02 Ross Family ASCN0302.jpg
02 Ross Family ASCN0302.jpg
03 BAR at Church IMG_0662.jpg
03 BAR at Church IMG_0662.jpg
04 BAR at reception 87004710.jpg
04 BAR at reception 87004710.jpg
05 Dom waiting for photo 87004624.jpg
05 Dom waiting for photo 87004624.jpg
06 Signing the Register 87004607.jpg
06 Signing the Register 87004607.jpg
07 Groom and Best Men at Church 87004596.jpg
07 Groom and Best Men at Church 87004596.jpg
08 Joey and BAR 87004590.jpg
08 Joey and BAR 87004590.jpg
09 Rebecca and Anna 87004602.jpg
09 Rebecca and Anna 87004602.jpg
10 Rebecca 87004618.jpg
10 Rebecca 87004618.jpg
11 Anna 87004619.jpg
11 Anna 87004619.jpg
12 Dom Lorna and Joey 87004628.jpg
12 Dom Lorna and Joey 87004628.jpg
13 Dom Lorna and Joey 87004629.jpg
13 Dom Lorna and Joey 87004629.jpg
14 Lorna and Family 87004642.jpg
14 Lorna and Family 87004642.jpg
15 Couple Bridesmaids Ushers plus 87004649.jpg
15 Couple Bridesmaids Ushers plus 87004649.jpg
16 Cutting the Cake 87004677.jpg
16 Cutting the Cake 87004677.jpg
17 Philip Rebecca Joey 87004679.jpg
17 Philip Rebecca Joey 87004679.jpg
18 Dom and Alison 87004692.jpg
18 Dom and Alison 87004692.jpg
19 Dom and Andrew 87004699.jpg
19 Dom and Andrew 87004699.jpg
20 Chris D corrupting the young 87004700.jpg
20 Chris D corrupting the young 87004700.jpg
21 Dom IMG_0659.jpg
21 Dom IMG_0659.jpg
22 Couple and Car IMG_0704.jpg
22 Couple and Car IMG_0704.jpg
23 Couple and Parents IMG_0717.jpg
23 Couple and Parents IMG_0717.jpg
24 Couple with ANR  BAR IMG_0718.jpg
24 Couple with ANR BAR IMG_0718.jpg
25 The Gay Bag Snatcher MG_0719.jpg
25 The Gay Bag Snatcher MG_0719.jpg
26 Birthday Boy IMG_0750.jpg
26 Birthday Boy IMG_0750.jpg
27 Dom and Helen IMG_0755.jpg
27 Dom and Helen IMG_0755.jpg
28 Dom Helen and Children IMG_0757.jpg
28 Dom Helen and Children IMG_0757.jpg
29 Dom Helen Phil and children IMG_0756.jpg
29 Dom Helen Phil and children IMG_0756.jpg
30 Philips Toast IMG_0785.jpg
30 Philips Toast IMG_0785.jpg
31 Philips Toast IMG_0782.jpg
31 Philips Toast IMG_0782.jpg
32 Young Love IMG_0804.jpg
32 Young Love IMG_0804.jpg
33 Bubbles 87004711.jpg
33 Bubbles 87004711.jpg
34 Conga 87004736.jpg
34 Conga 87004736.jpg
35 The Cake IMG_0711.jpg
35 The Cake IMG_0711.jpg
36 The Groom IMG_0656.jpg
36 The Groom IMG_0656.jpg
37 Jenny Lambert ASCN0307.jpg
37 Jenny Lambert ASCN0307.jpg
38 Birthday Boy and Grandparents 87004728.jpg
38 Birthday Boy and Grandparents 87004728.jpg
39 Here we go 87004594.jpg
39 Here we go 87004594.jpg
40 Signing the Register 2 87004608.jpg
40 Signing the Register 2 87004608.jpg
41 Were in the same tartan 87004634.jpg
41 Were in the same tartan 87004634.jpg
42 Im frozen 87004646.jpg
42 Im frozen 87004646.jpg
43 Philip and Helen 87004744.jpg
43 Philip and Helen 87004744.jpg
44 Dancing the night away 87004734.jpg
44 Dancing the night away 87004734.jpg
45 Angela and William 87004697.jpg
45 Angela and William 87004697.jpg
46 Trudy and Thomas 87004698.jpg
46 Trudy and Thomas 87004698.jpg