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Alastair ROSS | profile | all galleries >> Festivals and Events >> Christmas Crèches at Luceram tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Christmas Crèches at Luceram

The village of Luceram (10 miles north of Nice) has, for the past nine years, held a festival of Crèches. There are some four hundred different crèches displayed in the village, varying from more than life size to minute.

This gallery is a tribute to the extraordinary imagination and artistry of the villagers and contains a small but varied representation of their work.

Photographic conditions are not always ideal and some of the photos suffer from my limited ability to overcome those conditions.
Barrel and Cheesegrater Creche 88002792.jpg
Barrel and Cheesegrater Creche 88002792.jpg
Barrel Creche 88002793.jpg
Barrel Creche 88002793.jpg
Birds Nest Creche 88002833.jpg
Birds Nest Creche 88002833.jpg
Gourd Creche 88002795.jpg
Gourd Creche 88002795.jpg
Lifesize Crib 84001885.jpg
Lifesize Crib 84001885.jpg
Luceram Creche 84001879.jpg
Luceram Creche 84001879.jpg
Medieval Creche 88002806.jpg
Medieval Creche 88002806.jpg
Palestine Creche 84001877.jpg
Palestine Creche 84001877.jpg
Rockers Creche 800s0610.jpg
Rockers Creche 800s0610.jpg
Underwater Creche 88002758.jpg
Underwater Creche 88002758.jpg
Upright Gourd Creche 88002790.jpg
Upright Gourd Creche 88002790.jpg
Walnut Crib 88002785.jpg
Walnut Crib 88002785.jpg