I model an interesting time period for Amtrak (1992-1996) where the F40PH was nearing the end of its time as dominant power, while GE locomotives were increasing in number and use. I only plan on running a small 6 car passenger train of Amfleet and Horizon cars so I don't need a lot of passenger locos. I chose to represent one of each significant type during this era -- the F40PH is Kato, the P42DC is Athearn blue box, and the B32PH is Atlas. The F40PH is pretty much out of the box with the primary addition being working strobe lights and some touch up to the Kato paint. The P42DC started as an undecorated model which I customer detailed and painted back in 1997 -- adding DCC capability to it in 2015. The P32BH is pretty much out of the box with new horn, plow and HEP cables, and lots of touch of to the Atlas paint to match the real ones. I also repositioned the Sinclair antenna and painted the walkways gray. All three received weathering based on photos of the prototype via airbrush and weathering chalks. All have Kadee #158 couplers.