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Alan Sheckter Photo | profile | all galleries >> Music photos May 2008 - to present >> John Gorka, Eliza Gilkyson, Lucy Kaplansky, Nina Gerber, at Sierra Nevada Brewery's Big Room, Chico, Calif., Nov. 22, 2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

John Gorka, Eliza Gilkyson, Lucy Kaplansky, Nina Gerber, at Sierra Nevada Brewery's Big Room, Chico, Calif., Nov. 22, 2010

A trio of wonderful singer-songwriters, Eliza Gilkyson, John Gorka, and Lucy Kaplansky, all firmly established nationally as solo artists, came through Chico to play at the Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.'s Big Room on Nov. 22, 2010 for the last show of a short tour. Each musician led their own songs and covered each other's songs as well. The encore cover versions of "Wayfaring Stranger" (Lucy on lead vocals) and "People Get Ready" (John) were especially lovely. Renowned Bay Area guitarist Nina Gerber accompanied the trio throughout with just enough electric guitar to turn up the energy a notch without losing the intimacy that the three acoustic players brought to the stage. I'm going to steal a little from Red House Records' description of the Gorka/Gilkyson/Kaplansky collaboration as described for their album, "Red Horse." The words apply to the concert as well as the record. "Inspiring and paving the road for countless musicians and songwriters on the road today, having these three talents converge on one record is a folk fan's dream album. 'Red Horse's' sparse instrumentation allows these three distinctive voices to carry the magic of the music that is awash in great harmonies and songwriting." Photos ŠAlan Sheckter / Images are for viewing only and may not be republished without documented permission from the photographer.
g1/45/850245/3/130645694.O0YfUK3H.jpg Big Room GM Bob Littell introduces the group as Nina Gerber (left) and Lucy Kaplansky look on
Big Room GM Bob Littell introduces the group as Nina Gerber (left) and Lucy Kaplansky look on
Eliza Gilkyson
Eliza Gilkyson
John Gorka and Eliza Gilkyson
John Gorka and Eliza Gilkyson
John Gorka
John Gorka
Lucy Kaplansky and John Gorka
Lucy Kaplansky and John Gorka
Lucy Kaplansky
Lucy Kaplansky
Nina Gerber and Lucy Kaplansky
Nina Gerber and Lucy Kaplansky
Lucy Kaplansky
Lucy Kaplansky
John Gorka
John Gorka
Nina Gerber
Nina Gerber
Gerber, Kaplansky. Gorka, Gilkyson
Gerber, Kaplansky. Gorka, Gilkyson
Gerber, Kaplansky. Gorka, Gilkyson
Gerber, Kaplansky. Gorka, Gilkyson
Gerber, Kaplansky. Gorka, Gilkyson
Gerber, Kaplansky. Gorka, Gilkyson
Lucy Kaplansky and John Gorka
Lucy Kaplansky and John Gorka
Gerber, Kaplansky, Gorka, Gilkyson saying good night
Gerber, Kaplansky, Gorka, Gilkyson saying "good night"
Kaplansky and Gorka saying good night
Kaplansky and Gorka saying "good night"
Donna, Eliza Gilkyson, and Kate
Donna, Eliza Gilkyson, and Kate
The menu
The menu
One of the many works of art celebrating the Brewery's beers
One of the many works of art celebrating the Brewery's beers