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Alan Sheckter Photo | profile | all galleries >> Nature, landscape photos >> Magalia snow February 24-25, 2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Magalia snow February 24-25, 2011

Magalia, California, received a little more than a foot of snow on Feb. 24-25, 2011. The event was lovely, though the heavy white stuff brought down lots of trees and power lines in the area. Our house was without power from 7:30 a.m. on the 25th to 9 a.m. on the 26th. We made the best of it with plenty of wood for the stove, lanterns and candles, and lots of reading material. Late in the day on the 25th, after digging out our driveway, Donna and I took a tour of the area in my pickup. In addition to county snowplows, the majority of the vehicles moving about had logos on them like PG&E, AT&T, and Comcast. Here's a thanks to PG&E crews and others who converged on the area to get us back on the grid! Photos ŠAlan Sheckter / Images may not be republished without documented permission.
Alan getting in touch with his frontier side
Alan getting in touch with his frontier side
Donna enjoying the view
Donna enjoying the view
They brought out the real gnarly PG&E equipment for this storm. Some of those electric lines are pretty remote
They brought out the real gnarly PG&E equipment for this storm. Some of those electric lines are pretty remote
Power pole snapped on the Skyway near Steiffer Road in Magalia
Power pole snapped on the Skyway near Steiffer Road in Magalia
Snapped pole poised to be replaced along the Skyway in Magalia
Snapped pole poised to be replaced along the Skyway in Magalia
The Skyway, upper Magalia
The Skyway, upper Magalia
Dogtown Road in Magalia, completely blocked
Dogtown Road in Magalia, completely blocked
Storm trying to clear out at the Coutolenc Lookout, Magalia
Storm trying to clear out at the Coutolenc Lookout, Magalia
Magalia Community Church, founded 1896
Magalia Community Church, founded 1896
Donna likes her snowy 'hood
Donna likes her snowy 'hood
More PG&E activity, Magalia
More PG&E activity, Magalia
Magalia Reservoir, the morning after
Magalia Reservoir, the morning after
Magalia Reservoir, the morning after
Magalia Reservoir, the morning after
Sawmill Peak
Sawmill Peak
Sawmill Peak from the vista point on Old Skyway
Sawmill Peak from the vista point on Old Skyway
Welcome to Magalia
Welcome to Magalia
Signage for Paradise Lake, which is actually in Magalia
Signage for Paradise Lake, which is actually in Magalia