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Alain LESTRADE | all galleries >> SERIE NOIRE >> B/W ARGENTIC >
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Thierry Lucas07-Dec-2008 22:31
Wonderful capture. V
Guest 05-Mar-2008 00:45
The expression of the man in background is very interesting, particularly his mouth. :)
Guest 29-Jan-2008 07:36
The interesting thing about this photo for me is that it's not really about the kissing couple; it's more about the man in the background. What is his story, I wonder?
Enrico Martinuzzi05-Dec-2007 13:21
well deserved first spot! this image is super. GMV
Guest 01-Dec-2007 14:04
Congratulation, Alain, for winning with this picture! It really shows character - this kiss is only given once in a life (or should be!)
Guest 01-Dec-2007 03:24
Guest 30-Nov-2007 19:27
Well deserved winner, Alain!
This photo awakens the imagination
and the guessin begins.

Add the stunning background and ya have a classic!

Mike :o)
pingupingu30-Nov-2007 05:46
felicitations zaussi
Ken Zaret30-Nov-2007 03:26
Alain, you have won the 66th PBase Show and Tell Competition with this image; the theme was The Decisive Moment. Congratulations on superb work! Best regards, Ken
Guest 27-Nov-2007 18:17
Eric Herbelin22-Nov-2007 10:05
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