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16-Feb-2009 © Alain Boussac


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Pierre23-Mar-2024 12:52
Une jolie pose de ce magnifique personnage sous ce beau ciel bleu! V
Fabienne19-Mar-2024 22:39
La composition est très originale. C’est une photo très réussie.
Jeff Real14-Mar-2024 22:37
Such a super composition and a really great costume and character!
Alexander Kazakov04-Mar-2024 07:18
Well done! V
Julie Oldfield17-Feb-2024 01:14
What a remarkable composition. V
janescottcumming16-Feb-2024 13:43
Love the pose and the point of view. V
Dave Petersen Photography16-Feb-2024 13:00
A wonderfully composed portrait enhanced by the lighting, expression and sense of mystery. VV++
Fong Lam16-Feb-2024 06:52
Wonderful portrait with nice background.....V
Bryan Murahashi16-Feb-2024 04:34
A very nicely composed photo.
Dan Opdal16-Feb-2024 01:04
Perfect Composition! V
Walter Otto Koenig15-Feb-2024 23:19
Great composition and lighting. "V"
Fabienne15-Feb-2024 22:22
Quelle magnifique portrait. C’est composé avec originalité et savoir-faire.
joseantonio15-Feb-2024 19:21
nice contrast with the background campanile.V.
Pierre Martin15-Feb-2024 19:03
splendide image, très jolie avec cette lumière!
Patricia Kay15-Feb-2024 18:53
Great capture Alain…I love the costumes but find masks a wee bit scary…BV
Marcia Rules15-Feb-2024 18:30
As he ponders, I admire the strong composition here VVV~
globalgadabout15-Feb-2024 17:08
how immediate, and dynamic...a character to stimulate, and perhaps provoke..
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