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Ana Carloto O'Shea | all galleries >> NEW WORK >> Big Camera > Bicycle
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Sony DSC-H1
1/3s f/2.8 at 6.0mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 15-Feb-2009 23:31
Very beautiful!!
Jose Canovas17-Apr-2008 17:54
red and blue, an excellent blend!
Sam_C06-Apr-2008 06:00
Amazing working of the light, great details!!
aliusvetus03-Apr-2008 21:56
Interessante conceito. Faz-me lembrar muito a minha foto "Dynamo".
Guest 02-Apr-2008 12:12
The grinding
Of nightly teeth
Amid whir
Of greased nightmares :O
dane02-Apr-2008 11:28
good concept
Guenter Eh31-Mar-2008 15:25
You definitely got an eye for magical light! Beautiful!
Guest 31-Mar-2008 09:01
That has to be a night ride.
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