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Ana Carloto O'Shea | all galleries >> OLD WORK >> Seeing the World >> Glimpses of Summer 2006 >
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04-JUL-2006 Ana Carloto

Secluded praying corner

Sé - Porto

Sony DSC-H1
1/2s f/3.5 at 6.0mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guenter Eh29-Aug-2006 20:08
Reminds me on a confessional - the special atmosphere is excellent captured.
Guest 27-Jul-2006 09:58
Super mood. The low light works well with the mystic place. Perfect exposure and clarity for a long low light shot.
Rob Rosetti27-Jul-2006 09:44
Fantastic atmosphere! Roberto
Craig Persel27-Jul-2006 09:01
Guest 27-Jul-2006 07:46
Great atmosphere!
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