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Allan Jay | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo of the Week > Along The East Coast...
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Along The East Coast...


Taken on July 6th in the early morning light. The coast
was still shrouded in mist as the sun re-appeared.

Sony Alpha α7R III
1/125s f/8.0 at 40.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Nicole Perrier 25-Oct-2018 15:27
Beautiful gallery, Uncle Al. These images make me want to visit the East Coast even more than I already did. It looks like you experienced so many wonderful places. Thank you for sharing!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)29-Sep-2018 08:17
Well Done...excellent work!Vote
Tom Munson28-Sep-2018 18:28
Amazing with all the green. Great shot.
Graeme15-Sep-2018 22:47
I love the way the road bends and twists and then disapears! V!
Yvonne14-Sep-2018 05:32
Certainly is a lovely scene! v
Julie Oldfield14-Sep-2018 01:28
What beautiful sight. Such a wonderful composition to capture the scene. V
peterjay4514-Sep-2018 01:03
Breathtaking scenery. Terrific photography, Al.
Range View 14-Sep-2018 00:13
Stunning view along this marvelous coastal road Allan.