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Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20
1/60s f/2.8 at 12.1mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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monil06-Mar-2008 13:36
Splendid this flower.
Very delicate. v
NealyBob01-Mar-2008 09:17
Very Beautiful flower~!
12301-Mar-2008 07:20
Fabulousness. You are back in full beauty. :) V
Liz Bickel01-Mar-2008 03:18
Stunning. A wonderful capture of a delicately beautiful flower.
Guest 01-Mar-2008 00:44
Beautiful close up of this delicate flower! The lighting is really lovely.
Yvonne29-Feb-2008 23:05
Gorgeous shot, beautiful shade of pink!
Andrew Vincent29-Feb-2008 21:48
Wonderful! So delicate, VOTE!
Guest 29-Feb-2008 21:00
I love it!!!!
Johnny JAG29-Feb-2008 19:41
Very pretty!
Fong Lam29-Feb-2008 18:48
Simply gorgeous !!
marie-jose wolff29-Feb-2008 18:26
so delicate pastel colors, really beautiful! V
John Beck29-Feb-2008 15:24
This is beautiful. Wonderful pastel colors and it does seem to be smiling.
glimpses by lu29-Feb-2008 14:30
Absolutely spectacular imagery!!! A smiling flower for all of us to enjoy!!! Love the softness and color!!!! v
Ceya29-Feb-2008 14:18
Underbart vacker! V
Jola Dziubinska29-Feb-2008 14:00
Very nice and delicate.
Buz Kiefer29-Feb-2008 13:56
Love the soft pastel of this and the shallow DoF. Very pretty.
Hundreds of my daffodils were up about a foot, ready to burst open and welcome spring when a late season heavy snow followed by very cold temperatures set them back it not killing them for the season. So I'll have to content myself by visiting your lovely garden. Vote.
malcolm haslam29-Feb-2008 13:02
Beautiful...great to be back in your garden.
Guest 29-Feb-2008 10:23
Sublime, V
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