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akleja | all galleries >> The garden galleries >> Flower galleries >> Clematis > Snow Queen
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Snow Queen

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20
1/500s f/5.6 at 6.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Andrew Vincent06-Jul-2007 07:21
Greetings your majesty! What a fantastic flower and shot Akleja! BIG VOTE!
Ceya06-Jul-2007 07:08
Wonderful capture! V
Bob White06-Jul-2007 06:58
Wonderful whites ~V~
QUERIDO06-Jul-2007 06:19
Beautiful shot,vote
Guest 06-Jul-2007 03:41
Wonderful whites, looks great in original. v.
silvia marmori06-Jul-2007 03:18
a beautiful light, vibrant white!
Guest 06-Jul-2007 03:14
So beautiful, voted.
Jay Levin06-Jul-2007 02:04
Beautiful image, and the whites are perfect. Vote
LeuAnna Taylor06-Jul-2007 01:36
Great subject and capture! Beautiful color, too!
Yvonne06-Jul-2007 00:08
A stunning clematis & superb shot - wow! vote
marie-jose wolff05-Jul-2007 22:00
beautiful colors! V.
Guest 05-Jul-2007 21:22
Very impressive image, love the white..v
veraferia05-Jul-2007 20:55
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