I was in the Rio Quijos area last week and heard a bird that I believe was a yellowthroat. This was an area of bamboo thicket alongside some cabins that had been put into the cloud forest so it was second growth open area in the forest it was right by the river I saw the bird singing from the bamboo and it had the dimensions of a warbler but its colors could not be seen due to the angle and the light. It sounded very like a north american common yellowthroat in that its call was quite regular. it was not. Listening to audios it matched the olive crowned but not perfectly because the audios i heard started out typical witchity-witchity- like but then degenerated into a jumble of warbler like notes whereas this bird never strayed from a repetitive two or three syllable chant. Nevertheless it matched pretty perfectly the first part of the recorded song. Do you think this was an olive crowned or something ele? thank you for your response