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Colin Clarke | all galleries >> Galleries >> 'Old Sheldon Church' Ruins > Sheldon Church Ruins 10
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June 5, 2009 © Colin J Clarke

Sheldon Church Ruins 10

Beaufort, South Carolina

Best viewed at Original Size

Hasselblad 503CW, Zeiss Distagon CF FLE 4/50, Kodak BW400CN

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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an nguyen07-Jun-2009 22:57
A classic beauty from a classic talent...
Steve Mockford07-Jun-2009 19:18
Nice composition and light Colin. Nicely seen and very nicely processed. ~V~
Marcia Rules07-Jun-2009 15:05
very very nice work with the big boy! V
Paco López07-Jun-2009 05:16
Excellent!! V!
12307-Jun-2009 02:38
Beautiful. V
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