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Colin Clarke | all galleries >> Galleries >> 'Leica Master' Images > Waterfront Abstract
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May 11, 2009 © Colin J Clarke

Waterfront Abstract

Charleston, SC

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Leica M3, Leitz Summicron 1:2.0 f=50mm, Kodak Tri-X

Tri-X rated at 400asa. Developed Ilford Ilfosol-S
1:9 for 10 mins @ 20c. 10s agitation every 60s.
full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Johnny Rasmussen08-May-2010 23:28
Top notch! ~V~
Roland22-Dec-2009 17:56
Stunning image with great composition and the B&W almost makes
it look like a pen and ink drawing. V
Sue Robertson14-May-2009 22:01
Lovely detailed image.. The tones are so beautiful!... v
FrankB13-May-2009 04:46
this puts the Summi in the Summicron!!......V (can't wait to get mine)
veraferia12-May-2009 12:11
Wow...amazing abstract!V
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