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Colin Clarke | all galleries >> Galleries >> M is for M3Monday > Waterfront 1
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May 11, 2009 © Colin J Clarke

Waterfront 1

Charleston SC

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Leica M3, Leitz Summaron 1:3.5 f=35mm, Kodak Tri-X

Tri-X rated at 400asa. Developed Ilford Ilfosol-S
1:9 for 10 mins @ 20c. 10s agitation every 60s.
full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Kiriakos Korakis14-May-2009 18:36
Wonderful ! V !
(Tri-X developed with Ilfosol ? Quite original combination ! )
an N 12-May-2009 04:59
Spectacular M3 product, now in my dream..
PauloCGama11-May-2009 21:37
Wonderful and clear details and stunning mood & composition, Colin.
M3 is spectacular isn't it?
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography11-May-2009 21:35
Excellent, fine composition and unique mood, I like it a lot, Vote.
Guest 11-May-2009 21:27
M3Monday sounds and looks good! :)
Wow,you're quick! I must learn to develop my own film.
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