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Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo | all galleries >> In The Garden >> Ferns and Allies > Not Frost
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29-NOV-2008 Pam Haley ~ FrogHouse Photo

Not Frost

Dew on young staghorn fern frond

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Ann13-Dec-2008 14:36
Wonderful close-up shot Pam.
fotabug05-Dec-2008 02:39
water drops always look so great on flowers. Nice
Jack Hoying02-Dec-2008 13:42
Nice details and lighting.
Ruth Voorhis02-Dec-2008 02:45
Guest 01-Dec-2008 03:13
Lovely close up Pam.
Guest 30-Nov-2008 23:43
Pretty Pam but I wnat to see what Hawaian frost looks like ;-)
Bea.30-Nov-2008 19:29
Good close up, nicely taken.
Guest 30-Nov-2008 14:52
Very nice close up Pam. well done.
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