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Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo | all galleries >> In The Garden >> Ferns and Allies > Rabbit-Foot Fern
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23-NOV-2008 Pam Haley ~ FrogHouse Photo

Rabbit-Foot Fern

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Ann29-Nov-2008 08:01
Wonderful composition and clarity.
Guest 26-Nov-2008 01:13
Very nice composition and colors!
Guest 25-Nov-2008 04:17
Lovely capture Pam
Larry Hill25-Nov-2008 02:40
Very nicely done!
fotabug25-Nov-2008 00:21
quite nice
paplvr24-Nov-2008 21:20
Great sharpness and color saturation. Linda S
Ruth Voorhis24-Nov-2008 14:52
Lovely angle and color contrast.
Barry Ailetcher24-Nov-2008 14:33
very nice shot that lens is sure a nice one gives goodcolor and sharpness
Bea.24-Nov-2008 09:43
Beautiful shot Pam, and a perfect result.
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