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Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo | all galleries >> 2008 Photo-A-Day Galleries By Month >> October 2008 > Spores
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17-OCT-2008 Pam Haley ~ FrogHouse Photo


Mature mature Gymnopilus subtropicus mushroom "dripping" spores

The same mushroom 2 days earlier >

Nikon D80 ,Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro
1/60s f/18.0 at 180.0mm iso200
TC-1.7, SB-R200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jack Hoying29-Oct-2008 12:05
Nice details! Can't say that I've seen this before.
fotabug24-Oct-2008 22:59
excellent detail
Ann23-Oct-2008 14:53
Lovely macro with great detail and rich colour.
Guest 22-Oct-2008 01:41
Great color.
Guest 21-Oct-2008 23:43
Beautiful detail :-)
Guest 21-Oct-2008 19:05
Great shot Pam and also very interesting.
Ruth Voorhis21-Oct-2008 18:17
Beautifully captured record of how this mushroom evolves.
Guest 21-Oct-2008 15:56
I love the color and the texture on this shot.
Barry Ailetcher21-Oct-2008 15:04
good looking Macro Image
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