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Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo | all galleries >> In The Garden >> In My Garden > Purple Crownflower
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10-JUL-2008 Pam Haley ~ FrogHouse Photo

Purple Crownflower

Nikon D80 ,Nikon 135mm f/2.8 Ai-S Series E
1/200s f/1.0 iso500
Manual lens does not meter on D80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bob Pelkey31-Aug-2008 23:50
Too bad you had to rely so heavily on the flash in the shot, Pam. I was extremely fortunate to see
what could possibly be the same plant in this shot . . .
Ann16-Jul-2008 11:52
Wonderful detail, clarity and light.
Guest 14-Jul-2008 11:48
Lovely shot
Guest 14-Jul-2008 05:28
Most unusual looking flower.
Bea.14-Jul-2008 02:49
Pretty shot of these unusual looking flowers.
Barry Ailetcher13-Jul-2008 14:23
very nice color on this plant
Ruth Voorhis13-Jul-2008 14:21
Beautiful, such subtle colour and detail.
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